Meet Dr Winnie Lim Khoo
Dr. Winnie Sharon Lim Khoo is an Adult Neurologist. She is a brain, spinal cord & nerve specialist with experience in the diagnosis, treatment and management of stroke, neuromuscular and headache disorder such as migraine. Her special field of interest includes seizure disorders like epilepsy, brain aneurysm, demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis, dizziness, neuropathy, spinal cord disorders including neck & back pain, infections and tumors of the nervous system.
Informations & Advice
All information are personal opinions
based on research, ideas & personal
experiences. However nothing presented
should be used by viewers as final
treatment or medication.

Neurological Conditions
Medical Consultation related to : Stroke, neuromuscular and headache disorder such as migraine, vertigo, dizziness, demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis, memory loss, seizure, neuropathy, dementia, jerky body movement, epilepsy, sudden muscle weakness, spinal cord problems & other related issues.

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