Signs & Symptoms of Pinched Nerve

Pinched nerve signs and symptoms include:
Numbness or decreased sensation in the area supplied by the nerve
Sharp, aching or burning pain, which may radiate outward
Tingling, "pins and needles" sensations (paresthesia)
Muscle weakness in the affected area
Frequent feeling that a foot or hand has "fallen asleep"
The problems related to a pinched nerve may be worse when you're sleeping. See your neurologist if the signs and symptoms of a pinched nerve last for several days and don't respond to self-care measures, such as rest and over-the-counter pain relievers.
A number of conditions may cause tissue to compress a nerve or nerves, including:
Poor posture
Rheumatoid or wrist arthritis
Stress from repetitive work
Hobbies or sports activities
This pressure causes inflammation of the nerve and disrupts the nerve's function. If a nerve is pinched for only a short time, there's usually no permanent damage. Once the pressure is relieved, nerve function returns to normal. However, if the pressure continues, chronic pain and permanent nerve damage can occur. #nerve #nervedamage #nervepain #pain #painmanagement #nervespecialist #specialist #neurologist #winnielimkhoo #neurologistinmanila #doctor #familydoctor #health #tips #advise