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Headache and people over 50 : Geriatric Headache

Mature people have fewer headache than younger ones. The prevalence of headache at different ages in women and men, respectively, is as follows: 21 to 34 years, 92% and 74%; 55 to 74 years, 66% and 53%; and after age 75, 55% and 22%. Although 90% of headache in younger patients are of the primary type, only 66% of headache in the elderly are primary.

There is a decreasing prevalence of migraine with older age. Past age 70, only 5% of women and 2% of men still have migraine. There are many causes of new-onset headaches in the elderly, some of which can be particularly worrisome. The risk of serious secondary disorders in people ages 65 and older is 10 times higher than in younger people.

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