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Women suffer from migraine 3x more than men

Women experience migraine differently than men. Women report episodic pain (often for a longer duration) and chronic pain more frequently than men. More severe and more frequent migraine attacks often result from changes in estrogen levels. Research has connected hormones to migraine, but not all migraines are hormonal. During childhood, migraine is more prevalent in boys than in girls. But after puberty, when estrogen influence begins, the prevalence rises in girls. Girls are more likely to have their first migraine during the year their periods begin than at any other time in their lives. After puberty, migraine in women increases until age 40 or so, when it begins to decrease.

Women suffer from migraine three times as often as men. In the U.S., 18% of women suffer compared to 6% of men. Of those who suffer, 50% have more than 1 attack each month, and 25% have 4 or more severe attacks per month. 92% of women with severe migraine are disabled. The hormones estrogen (ES-truh-jen) and progesterone (pro-JES-tuh-rohn) play key roles in regulating the menstrual cycle and pregnancy and may also affect headache-related chemicals in the brain.

Having steady estrogen levels may improve headaches, while experiencing estrogen levels that dip or change can make headaches worse. Though fluctuating hormone levels can influence headache patterns, you're not completely at the mercy of your hormones. Your neurologist can help you treat — or prevent — hormone-related headaches.

The drop in estrogen just before your period may contribute to headaches. Many women with migraines report headaches before or during menstruation.Your menstrual-related migraines may be treated in several ways. Proven treatments for migraine are often effective for treating menstrual migraine. You may visit a migraine specialist or neurologist for these treatment options. You can be pain-free today #migraine #headache #pain #treatment #cure #signs #medicine #headachespecialist #migrainespecialist #winnielimkhoo #neurologist #neurologistinmanila #advise #consultation #manila #philippines

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